Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Can anyone think of a title for my novel about a lawyer/serial killer, who follows women home from bars kills?

them in their homes. It's set in Atlanta, Georgia. Also could anyone give me the name of any popular nightclubs in Atlanta.Can anyone think of a title for my novel about a lawyer/serial killer, who follows women home from bars kills?
A classy kill

A suited kill

A Silent Predetor

I hope you like it. Thgats all I could come up with good luck! and I don't live in Atlanta so i suggest making one up!Can anyone think of a title for my novel about a lawyer/serial killer, who follows women home from bars kills?
Serious Lawyer or Serious Killer?Can anyone think of a title for my novel about a lawyer/serial killer, who follows women home from bars kills?
There is a nightclub called the Velvet Room. Maybe, The Night Of My Life, if it's from the girl's point of view. Or, Night In Atlanta, for any other.
I've watched your questions daily for a while now, and I think it's time for "the speech."

You can't write a novel by consensus. It's not a group project. Getting people here at YA to suggest ideas, or to approve every idea you have, is not going to get you any closer to actually writing a novel.

It's clear to anybody observing that you don't have any confidence in your concept. You latch onto answerable questions like title, location, and such, but you don't really have any idea what your novel is about.

So, Tough Love time. Knock it off. You're wasting time here, just spinning your wheels. Stop trying to please everybody and worry about pleasing yourself. Spend a few weeks working out the novel's entire story. (For plotting help, find Michael Hauge's movie structure article and change it so you jump in at the 10% point, with a hook.)

In other words, do some serious planning and stop worrying about inconsequential details.

Here's what you need to know:

Who is your POV character? Is he the protagonist, or an observer? How does he change in the course of the novel, and why?

What is the protag's goal, need, or desire? What stands between him and it? (Possibly a person who's an antagonist, but not always.) How does he try to overcome it? What causes his failures?

What major setback changes him from a character to reacts to one who acts? How is what he does to achieve his goal different?

How does he succeed? What happens once he's achieved his goal?

Write yourself a detailed outline or synopsis--something along the lines of 15-30 single-spaced pages. When you know your story at that level, you will know all these details and won't need our approval.

Writers write, not seek confirmation.

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