Sunday, January 29, 2012

Married man picking up women at bars and dancing with them and taking them home/hotel?

Do women prefer to know you are married or should the ring come off? I have had success joking about the truth and the opposite way too.

Do ladies want to know and find it attractive or the opposite?Married man picking up women at bars and dancing with them and taking them home/hotel?
Everyone is different, some will care and some won't. If you're just looking for fun, I'd leave it off.
Okay... so here is the thing, I know the last thing you want is to be lectured and I'm not her to judge you at all, but I can't resist simply on account of your wife and partly the women your sleeping with... please just read it and take it into consideration, but I'll answer your question, too ( I actually have no clue why, but I am)....

First of all, I am sure you know that what you are doing is absolutely, irrevocably wrong! But I need you to think about something for me, Do you love your wife anymore? Because if you don't then please save your wife SOME heartbreak because it is bad enough that you are cheating on her. ( For a woman, that is faithful to her partner, it is a lot tougher than a man. This is simply because they pour their heart and souls into their partner, and sure, it still hurts them to get a divorce paper and a pen in their hands, but it hurts them a lot less than to find out the man that they love with all their heart doesn't love them back.... It is a really hard concept to understand unless you have been through it because it is under a whole different category of pain. It is worse for a woman then when someone dies, becuase they feel unwanted and used, like a bag of trash. So, if you love her, why don't you just sleep with her, because she is the woman you love, and it may seem like there is something about sleeping around and sneaking, but not getting caught that gives you almost a high, but it is not going to do you any good later on( i know, you don't care at all if it does you any good, because it's doing you plenty of good right now) I know it is hard for you, as it is hard for some people, but just try and think of the things that could happen, how you're life could fall apart and you'll be left as an empty hole of a heart who has no good friends who he can count on, has no loving arms to come home to, and ( even though he is doing the same thing to those girls now) can't stop himself from wanting to feel something more when all these woman walk out of the hotel room. And what if I have absolutely no more feelings for my wife, you ask? Well, then what id the point of pretending to love her, what is the point of living a lie. Please just get a divorce so she can find a real man who really cares about her and worships her, who doesn't see anything but her. Don't you want to feel that way about a woman, maybe your wife is not that person, but I know you can find her... and please remember, I don't know you, but if you are reading this and are even feel the slightest bit sorry or you want to find someone you really love, then I am going to tell you this, you ARE better than sleeping around. You can be more than that, that is not who you are unless you make yourself that and it is never to late to redeem yourself.

ALL RIGHT... HERE IS THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION... NOOO!!! don't lie... ever, Im a girl and I would want to know whether you were married or not. I would be so upset with you lied to me and you would never have a chance with me, One: because you lied and two: because you are married. Sure, you may be able to fund some girls who will still do it when you are married, but being single is the only way most of them would, that and being respectful of them and NOT EVER LYING!! I really hope you take what I said into consideration, please don't be that lonely old guy that is classified by sleeping around. Find someone who can let you be you. Or better yet,open up and find the girl in your wife that you fell in love with, because I can guarantee you she is still there... GOOD LUCK!Married man picking up women at bars and dancing with them and taking them home/hotel?
"Given an apportunity man returns back to animal kingdom" nothing wrong in this man is social animal in day hours and totally animal during darkness that too at doubt in it.

only royal females can be seen in bar selecting their choice as per wgt of your purse.
Thank-you Eleni as for Blondie he won't be married very long and he'll probably get something he hadn't bargained on? skunks? Wow Really? "Ha" wow how old are you? sounds very immature SirMarried man picking up women at bars and dancing with them and taking them home/hotel?
Stop cheating on your wife idiot

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