Monday, February 20, 2012

How do I tone up at home quickly?

I've lost weight over the last few months by running about 5-6 miles 4 days a week, but now I want to tone up for the summer. I can't afford the gym so I'm doing things at home.

What I've got :-

Pullup bar

Pushup bars

2 x 8kg. Dumbells

I want to tone up my belly and chest ( to stop them jiggling about when I run)

and build up my arms.

Any and all help and advise would be appreciated. Many thanks.How do I tone up at home quickly?
First get into shape; get conditioned. This means lots of cardio (fat burning exercises) and toning exercises. Power walking is better than jogging or walking. Once you get conditioned you can switch to 60 30 which is sprinting for 30 seconds then jogging for 60. Walking and jogging aren't as good as these simply because of momentum. Momentum allows for a lack of resistance on your muscles and thus fewer calories burned and less strength gained. That will pretty much take care of your cardio but various exercises can't hurt. As for strength training, it is easier and faster to get toned than it is to bulk up. So I would say get toned first then getting bulked up will be much easier not to mention safer/healthier. When trying to get toned the key is repetition, the more the better. So instead of curling your dumbbells 50 times try a weight that you can do 100 - 200 times. Right now I am doing a low weight 500 reps, do this with all strength gaining activities. When considering push ups, the goal is to be able to do at least 100 a day. If you can't do so then get on your knees rather than your toes; this will slightly decrease the amount of weight on your upper body. If you are still unable then get on a decline. In other words, keep taking the amount of weight off of your upper body until you can do 100 reps. for lower body strength training other than cardio I would suggest squats and lunges. If you want to focus on your calves you can jog in place. Just make sure you don't land on your foot flat, jog in place on your toes pretty much. This will isolate your calve muscle while also working cardio and various other muscle groups. if you do this i can guarantee you will burn fat and get toned fast. remember to eat and drink plenty of water.

good luckHow do I tone up at home quickly?
changing your diet to only healthy foods is the best thing you can do and will ensure you will lose weight if combine with walking everyday especially.

you can eat how much you like if you stay within these 3 guidelines and still lose fat naturally and gradually. You should lose 10lbs each month on average. only steamed lean meats, eggs, healthy fruits ,vegetables, nuts, grains, %26amp; yogurt..2. drink only water, juice, %26amp; milk..3. walk or do some physical exercise 1-3 hour every day.

(btw, recommend you also to buy an electronic food steamer ((Very cheap)) and a rice cooker as makes it very easy to prepare healthy meals ,,add a bit of olive oil and pepper, spices on top of steamed vegeatables, fish or chicken to add more taste if wish as these are healthy too.)How do I tone up at home quickly?
Biggest loser dvds. Man I got my butt kicked so bad and so did my husband. Also do crunches crunches and more crunches!! The dvd toned me quick and its only 9 bucks

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