Thursday, February 23, 2012

How to make my own candy bar wrappers at home?

I am having a baby shower on Sunday. I have been trying to make my own candy bar wrappers. I've checked out several different websites that have several templates, but most of the text or clipart doesn't go with my theme.

How can I figure out the measurements, etc? I pretty much want a blank template to create my own. ThanksHow to make my own candy bar wrappers at home?

I do the Following:

Unwrap a candy wrapper from the candy I plan on rewrapping it up with

That I lay it flat on my Scanner with black paper behind it and scan it in to my printmaster program

then I edit out any orginal words and logos on the wrapper

then I pick out what pictures and words I want to put into it

When I'm happy with it select and copy or cut it out ,Clear the image out, Paste it what I cut or copy to the screen and print it

Cut it out of the paper, use bookbinding paste, glue it together around the candy.

your done with one candy
The wrappers for a 1.5 oz. bar are usually 4 1/2 inches by 4 1/4 inches. I have a cheapo photo program that would not do the right measurements, so I'd take any old template and just white out all the graphics with the paint tool, then put my own on there.

.How to make my own candy bar wrappers at home?
you can go on a special website and if you have the right paper then you can make your own wrappers!!!!!
I ran a home-based chocolate business for years, and I used WrapCandy. It's customizable with your own graphics, and the home version is probably pretty cheap. Otherwise, take the following measurements:

Length of the bar, minus 1/4 inch at each end.

Width of the bar x3

Then using just about any graphics program (ms paint works fine) create your logo, then import it into Word and size it to fit inside the center of a box that large.

I'm assuming you're using molds, like Wilton candy bar molds. You can order from most candy-making sites foil wrappers that are sized for the candy bar you are making, or cut your own out of THIN aluminum foil.

Width: 1.5x length of bar

Heigth: 3x width of barHow to make my own candy bar wrappers at home?
use foil! :D

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