Sunday, February 26, 2012

What should my daughter respond when people make fun of her for staying home?

My daughter was out with her boyfriend and his friends were teasing her because she does not go out every single night. She is 17 and likes her boyfriend but does not go out with him and his friends when they go to bars. She does not like the scene. They were asking her why does she stay home all of the time? She said that she felt a little embarrassed and did not know how to respond. What should she respond to put them in their place?What should my daughter respond when people make fun of her for staying home?
I'm 17 too and I often stay at home too :)

Some people are just home bodies, I love to be at home doing anything, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy going out every now and then. If that's what your daughter is like then it shouldn't be a problem because she does go out every now and then. Tell her to just tell them that she likes being at home, it's not a big deal.

If she doesn't go out because of the drinking scene then it shouldn't be an issue, eventually the kids will get over the intriguing alcohol phase, and will just leave her alone. afterall, they are her boyfriend's friends not bullies or strangers

for now, tell her to just do what she wants, they'll get over it.
I think your daughter should tell them the truth and say she's not so fond of the bar scene. Wouldn't she rather be around people who like her for who she is then what she's not? Maybe she should talk to her boyfriend about it, he might not see that their questions make her feel embarrassed, if he did he could talk to his friends about it or stand up for her when his friends teased her.

If her boyfriend isn't bothered then i suggest that he isn't the right guy for her, however much she likes him.What should my daughter respond when people make fun of her for staying home?
I would encourage your daughter to find someone who feels the same way about these things. This could be a recipe for disaster if their relationship became more serious in the future. I can just see it her home with the baby while daddy is clubbing all the time. Also, if he really cares for her she shouldn't have to defend herself.
She might ask them why they would feel it necessary for her to go out every night. Maybe it's necessary for them, escaping a dysfunctional family perhaps? But it's just not her thing. Or maybe that's just the right answer right there. "just not my thing"

Of course updated into whatever the modern slang terms are *grin*

Hang in there :)

BillWhat should my daughter respond when people make fun of her for staying home?
well my boyfriend is the same thing as ur daughter ..he hardly go out with me and my friends to bars and clubs at all..where im from 21 is the legal age to go to bars.when ur daughter goes with her boyfriend is it mix crowd or just mostly guys?single or with boyfriend and girlfriend? sometimes that can b a reason too..she can prolly suggest that we dont have to go to the bar every single night maybe instead of going to bars every nite.she can offer or ask what else we can do other than bar?
whoever said she is a crappy mom is a retarded piece of crap themselves...

no, that's an insult to the disabled and to crap...

you're something beyond words

anywho, she should say "at least i have less of a chance of dying in a car crash." the fear of death usually shuts people up, and it's too awkward of a comeback for someone to respond to
They don't need to be "put in their place." If her boyfriend's friends are being that rude and mean to her, I would consider that grounds for a break up. He needs to stand up for her OR get them to stop saying those things. If he just sits back and let them talk to her like that, he's not worth it.
in my opinion she has more class than her friends or rather his friends, i would never hang out in a bar, im not a bar fly.

she could be into sports, take a night class, or she just enjoys her home life.

she could tell them she has nothing to run away from.
what i told my boyfriends friends when they asked me that was this "Maybe because i want to" or this "That's not your Business" or"Am just not kind of girl that likes to go out every single night" or just no-re them.
She can tell them not to bother her when they are alcoholics, druggies or parents before their time becuase she is a good girl who actually has goals and plans.
She should tell them it isn't their business or that she doesn't want the drama that comes along with the bar scene.
She should chastise their hell-bent anti-christian adttitutdes towards alcohol and partying.
What the ****? You're a crappy mom. You should know what to tell her. Stop pretending you are your mom, okay?

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