Sunday, February 26, 2012

What's the best way to stay safe when walking home late at night?

I often finish my job quite late at night, and have to walk about half a mile home. it isn't too far, but I have to pass a number of bars and pubs on the way, and it can get a bit intimidating. I then have to walk down some very quiet streets to reach my house, which again, is a bit nerve-racking. Any tips for staying safe?

p.s- as you can probably tell I had no idea what to categorise this question as!What's the best way to stay safe when walking home late at night?
get a taxi girl, never walk home alone at night......
use a taxi or buy a carWhat's the best way to stay safe when walking home late at night?
Can you not get a taxi or get someone to walk home with you.

If you have no option but to walk,get an alarm,carry some sort of aerosol,walk confident,also have you're mobile handy with 999 dialled into it...... get home as quickly as you can..

keep safe x
Try to walk back with a colleague from work. If you cant,then always walk in well lit roads, walk with purpose, dont keep looking back or looking nervous. Carry a personal alarm in your pocket and a small can of hairspray ( you can spray this in someones eyes which will give you minutes to get away)What's the best way to stay safe when walking home late at night?
I would buy a panick alarm, just to be safe, stick to main roads if you can or try to get someone to meet you, in this day and age you should not walk home alone, try and change your hours at work.....
ask a guy to walk you home
run as fast as u can or walk with a friend
2 Rottweilers and a shotgun, or more practical a taxi - make sure it's a licenced one though.
When I have to walk home at night I stay in the middle of the road. Stay away from bushes and trees. When you come to a corner walk in the middle of the road first and go around from there. If someone comes at you then you have precious seconds to think. If a car comes the driver will see you. But if you can try and get a taxi.
When I feel uncomfortable about walking alone i usually phone someone on my mobile so it makes me a little less also means that if god-forbid something did happen, the person on the other end of the phone would know!you could always get a panic alarm if you feel really un-easy about it.
just walk slow and when you are walking look at behind you everytime , if you see somebody walking behind you or about 20 meter away from you just dont walk slow , u need to carry on walking hard, because many people got killed of going home at the night.
1) Walk always against the traffic flow (this means that you should be able to look cars coming from the front)

2) Walk in well lighted and crowded areas, avoid short-cuts such as alleys at all cost.

3) Never take lifts from strangers.

4) If you can, tell a co-worker to join as far as you both can, call / ask her to whenever you gals arrive home.

5) Not least try an alternate and safe route to walk home, never stick just to one, alternate days going this or that way.
id say CS gas to keep in your handbag! and also a rape alarm, or talk to someone on your mobile on the way home.
get a weapon
stay to well light streets perfebly with cctv as you will be moniterd if you are by your self at night, aslo you could by a personal saftey alarm you pull the pin out if you fell threatend, you could aslo call someone before you leave work and then call theme again when you get home so if you dont get home in a resonbale amount of time your friend can contact police aslo see if you can walk with someone from work
A friend of mine works in a terrible neghborhood, and she has to walk up to the train (el train in Chicago) a few blocks away. She is always sure to tie up her hair; long hair is a good way for people to grab you and yank you down. She usually puts it into a close hat, wears jeans and a hoodie or plain jacket, no purse, and tries to walk like a guy.
You might consider riding a bicycle. This would put you a bit safer...but, if you have to walk, there are many little things that you can do to be more secure.

*First of all, walk with confidence and act like you're not afraid and you know what you're doing. This will also put off the air that you know how to handle yourself if anyone were to approach you.

*Carry a whistle in your hand or around your wrist like a bracelet. Be prepared to blow it loud if anyone innappropriately approaches you.

*Purchase a small thing of pepper spray. Walk with it in your hand.

*Take a couple of self defense classes at your local community center. You don't have to be a black belt, but learn a few key places to attack. For instance, if you hit someone square in the nose, it's going to slow them down considerably. Same with the eyes and, of course, the groin.

*Despite the quiet, don't wear headphones or anything else that could limit your ability to hear what's going on around you.

*Practice being super aware of your surroundings. Know every tree, alley, doorway, and shady place between your office and your home. Be very alert to any people around you.

*Have your cell phone handy. If you get extra nervous, dial in 911, have your phone open, and that way, all you have to do is press send. Even if something happened and you dropped the phone, they can track where you are.

*Have a buddy that you can call just to say, "Okay, I'm headed home now, I'll call you when I get there. Then call when you're home. That way, even though no one is with you, someone's still waiting for you.

**And remember, if anyone ever tries anything with you, to take you, rape you, make you go somewhere with them, FIGHT BACK for all your worth. You're still safer on a dark street than you are in the car of a strange, dangerous attacker.
If you routinely walk home late at night after work, I hope you wear a pair of shoes that you can run in, should the need arise (hopefully not heels or pumps).

Also, if you make it a routine to do this, be aware that others might become aware of the routine...someone can always be watching, and it's not in your favor if they are knowledgeable about your route and schedule.

If you have long hair, tie it back in a bun, or smash it underneath a cap/hat (nothing that will hinder your view). Wipe off all your makeup before heading out. If you're wearing a skirt, change into pants. And again, I hope you're not wearing heels.

Walk briskly and with purpose, and try to look pissed off. When you're passing the bars and pubs, continue to look pissed off...don't let on that you're intimidated. If guys are hanging out on the sidewalk for a smoke, and they see that you are pissed off and unapproachable, they won't try to engage you in conversation.

Do NOT chat on your cell phone or listen to your iPod while walking (you need to pay strict attention to your surroundings).

Don't carry an expensive, or large, purse/bag. And don't carry the satchel type that you have to carry in your hand. Don't carry too much with you...just the absolute essentials...keys, ID, small amount of cash, cell phone, MACE/PEPPER SPRAY. Again, if your purse is large, you'll have to dig around and fumble around to fish them out of your bag.

Carry a purse with long enough straps so you can wear it messenger bag style (you'll have both hands free then). A shoulder bag worn on the shoulder will also leave you with both hands free, however, you can't run as well with a shoulder bag falling off your shoulder.

Regarding the MACE/PEPPER SPRAY...make sure you know ahead of time how to use it....if you need to use it, you don't want to be fumbling around with it.
Poor girl. Life is full of uncertainty. Sometime, however prepared you are, some unfortunate thing can also happen. But it's always better to be prepared then be sorry. I suggest that instead of walking home alone through those imtimidating areas, it would be better if you could arrange some personal transport to home. It would cost you some money but life is more important than money. Take care,
I walk and run alone at night. I'm a cross country runner, and live near downtown. I carry pepper spray, my cell phone at all times, and wear approriate clothes. I've yet to have any problems, and have been out alone at night every night for the past few years.
get a taxi and get your employer to pay surely they have a duty to make sure you arrive home safely?!
get a taxi

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